Ditch your 9–5

And start living your dream life

Missguided Manifestor
3 min readDec 5, 2020

Last week my friends and I were talking about our 9–5 jobs. We were talking about how ironic it is that we ended up in the exact type of job that we were trying to avoid.

It’s ironic because we vowed not to end up in the same place that our parents did, exhausted after a 9–5 and unable to have any energy or motivation to chase our real dreams or do anything for ourselves.

One of my friends just lost her promotion for the year. She hated how she wasn’t required to be creative in her job. On top of that her manager didn’t respect or notice her and she wasn’t given any real responsibilities or opportunities to learn.

How do we end up in the exact places that we swear not to be in? Why do we complain and regret our life years later?

The hard truth is that we let it happen.

We see the terms that we are agreeing to before any job, relationship or commitment. We know that it’s not fully 100% what our heart and soul aligns with and sign it anyways.

We hope that we will end up liking it or that it will be different than what we expect. We say it’s only a temporary thing before we start chasing our own dreams.We say that we will do this for a little bit. But a little bit turns into a lot.



Missguided Manifestor

An aspiring Real Estate Developer, Entrepreneur, and Writer.