3 Signs Your Manifestation Is Coming

Missguided Manifestor
3 min readMay 16, 2021
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

1) Gut Feeling

Do you ever get a gut feeling about something?

Maybe about something that you have been worried about for a long time? It feels like a pull in your gut, as if your whole body is aching towards it or tied to it.

Having a gut feeling or intuition about something is the number one indicator that your Manifestation is on its way.

Trust that feeling that your body created through its combination of physical and mental knowledge throughout your life.

Trust that this inner feeling will guide you towards whatever it is that your heart desires. But first, let go of the resistance to it.

Release your attachments to your manifestation.

Whether it be love, a friendship or relationship with someone- release all attachments to it.

You are still whole, valuable, worthy and one with The Universe and The World without it.

You are still a beautiful, vibrant, loving and worthy vessel of The Universe without your manifestation.

Whatever it is that you are desiring is only going to be an addition of what you are. Work on whatever void that your manifestation is supposed to fill to attract it even more.



Missguided Manifestor

An aspiring Real Estate Developer, Entrepreneur, and Writer.